This past week I started thinking about how important it is to me to maintain the active healthy lifestyle I’ve worked to make my regimen.
My thought was: I the ultimate goal is to lead a happy life, then our bodies—literally the casing that holds us in—should be kept happy. This is not some superficial “I want to look hot” philosophy. This is about feeling good because your body feels good. This is about caring for your outer armor, because you only get one.
And as a wise blonde woman once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”
Let’s be honest. I know I feel way more energized when I drink a smoothie, as opposed to feeling sluggish after a cupcake. (Sometimes the cupcake is worth it because it’s just that tasty, but sometimes I find myself eating things because they’re put in front of me rather than making a conscious decision that the junk food is what I want.)
I’m not saying don’t treat your body. Every once in a while, go have that scoop of Ben & Jerry’s. I know that makes me happy. But when it comes to what I put in your body consistently, I am more conscientious. My experience tells me that overindulgence can take its toll.
I just finished yet another Jewish holiday where it felt like I just ate all day long and then sat around and ate more. My body was not thrilled. In fact, I felt like running around outside and playing a game of tag. My body yearned to move, so I went to yoga to finish off my weekend. I listened to my body and was happier for it.
Perhaps most importantly, I am aware of my body’s environment. I definitely believe in feeding off of the energy of the people around you. When I’m with happy people I usually feel happy.
Be aware of the people with whom you surround yourself. Negativity can be toxic. We all have bad days, but if you notice that someone you spend a lot of time with is constantly affecting your disposition in a not-so-sunny way, it is time to re-evaluate that relationship.
This idea of positivity is a full mind-body issue—very yogi. I remembered one of my favorite lines from the movie John Q, starring Denzel Washington. If you haven’t seen it, I won’t ruin it because you should go rent it NOW, but circumstances lead Denzel’s character to give life advice to his young son:
Stay away from the bad things, son. Please. Don’t get caught up in the bad things…so many great things out there for you.
I like to think Denzel was talking to all of us.
I think of this line often. Like when people ask me if I ever smoked and my response is always, “No. I never wanted to put that shit in my body.” There are so many great things out there if we only would reach for those instead of the bad things.
Surround yourself with positivity. Be kind to people and watch how people respond in kind. Be kind to yourself.
Personally, I like to listen to music. It just makes me think of goodness. A friend of mine sent me a video of his newly formed choir singing in their first public concert. As I walked in the park, breathing fresh air and gazing past the trees on the Hudson River, I listened to these young voices. And I felt my body relax and my mind enjoy. Music is good for the body and soul.
I just re-read the first two “books” of Eat Pray Love. In the first book, Eat, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about her time in Italy. While there, one of her Italian friends explains to her that he believes every city in the world has a word that encompasses the essence. When I think of the one-word essence of New York, I think FUTURE. We are all pushing forward and aiming high, and operating at a fast and hard pace. The city is tough on the body. The urban air, the hard cement, the elevated stress level and aura of competition. It’s what we love about New York, but also what can take a toll on the human body. So exercise. Eat well. Choose a healthy crowd of supportive people in your life. Read poetry or stick your headphones in. Lay out in the sunshine.
While I truly believe that beauty does come from within, the inside deserves to be kept in a healthy, cared-for outside.
Here’s to only good things now and to come.
Note: The post above was edited from a previously published version so as to clarify the overall message.